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[1] W. Lawrence, "The synthesis of speech from signals which have a low information rate", in: W. Jackson, ed., Communication Theory, Butterworths, London, 1953.

[2] G. Fant, IVA (Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Stockholm), Vol. 24, 1953, pp. 331-337.

[3] D.H. Klatt, "Software for a cascade/parallel formant synthesizer" J. Acoust. Sot'. Am., Vol. 67, 1980, pp. 971-995.

[4] L.R. Rabiner, "'Digital-formant synthesizer for speech-synthesis studies", J. Acoust. Sot'. Am., Vol. 43, 1968, pp. 822-828.

[5] G. Fan( and J. Martony, "Instrumentation for parametric synthesis (OVE II)", STL-QPSR-2, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1962, pp. 18-19.

[6] J. Anthony and W. Lawrence, "A resonance analogue speech synthesizer", Proc. 4 Int. Cong. Acoust. Copenhagen, 1962.

[7] J.D. Markel and A.H. Gray, Linear Predwtion of Speech, Springer, Berlin, 1976.

[8] J. Makhoul and L. Cosell, "LPCW: an LPC vocoder with linear predictive spectral warping", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, 1976, pp. 466-469.

[9] H.W. Strube, "Linear prediction on a warped frequency scale", J. Acoust. Sot'. Am., Vol. 68, 1980, pp. 1071-1076.

[10] G. Fant, The Acoustic Theory of Speech Production, Mouton, The Hague, 1960.

[11] G. Fant, "Acoustic analysis and synthesis of speech with applications to Swedish", Ericsson Techn., Vol. 1, 1959, pp. 1 - 108.

[12] H. Wakita, "Direct estimation of vocal tract shape by inverse filtering of acoustic speech waveforms", IEEE Trans. Audio and Electroacoust., Vol. AU 21, 1973, pp. 417-427.

[13] J.N. Holmes, "Requirements for speech synthesis in the frequency range 3-4 kHz", F.A.S.E. Symposium on Acoustics and Speech, Venice, Vol. I, 1981, pp. 169-172.

[14] B. Scharf, "Critical bands", in: J.V. Tobias, ed., Foundations of Modern Auditory Theory, Academic Press, New York 1970.

[15] J.L. Fianagan, Speech Analysis, Synthesis and Perception, Springer, Berlin, 1972.

[16] G. Fant, "'The source filter concept in voice production". F.A.S.E. Symposium on Acoustics and Speech, Venice, Vol. II, 1981, pp. 39-55.

[17] J.N. Holmes, "The influence of glottal waveform on the naturalness of speech from a parallel formant synthesizer", IEEE Trans. Audio and Eiectroacoust., Vol. AU 21, 1973, pp. 298-305.

[18] J.N. Holmes, "Formant excitation before and after glottal closure", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, 1976, pp. 39-42.

[19] A.E. Rosenberg, "Effect of glottal pulse shape on the quality of natural vowels", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 49, 1971, pp. 583-590.

[20] M. Rothenberg, R. Carlson, B. GranstrOm and J. Lindovist-Gauffin, "'A three-parameter voice source for speech synthesis", in: G. Fant, ed., Speech Communication, Almovist and Wiksell, Stockholm, Vol. 2, 1975, pp. 235-243.

[21] I.R. Titze, "Parameterization of the glottal source function and glottographic waveforms", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 68, 1980, p. S71.

[22] M. Rothenberg, "A new inverse-filtering technique for deriving the glottal air flow waveform during voicing", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 53, 1973, pp. 1632-1645.

[23] M.R. Schroeder, B.S. Atai and J.L. Hall, "Objective measure of certain speech signal degradations based on masking properties of human auditory perception", in: B. Lindblom and S. Ohman, eds., Frontiers of Speech Communication Research, Academic Press, London, 1979, pp. 217-229.

[24] J.N. Holmes, "Avoiding unwanted low-frequency level variations on the output of a parallel-formant synthesizer", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 68, 1980, p. S18.

[25] D.Y. Wong, C.C. Hsiao and J.D. Markel, "Spectral mismatch due to preemphasis in LPC analysis/synthesis", IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP 28, 1980, pp. 263-264.

[26] J.N. Holmes, "An investigation of the volume velocity waveform at the larynx during speech by means of an inverse filter", Proc. 4 Int. Cong. Acoust., Copenhagen, 1962.

[27] M.J. Hunt, J.S. Bridle and J.N. Holmes, "Interactive digital inverse filtering and its relation to linear prediction methods", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Tulsa, 1978, pp. 15-18.

[28] J.M. Rye and J.N. Holmes, "'A versatile software parallel formant speech synthesizer", JSRU Research Report, No. 1016, 1982.

[29] J.N. Holmes, "Parallel formant vocoders", Proc. IEEE EASCON Conference, Washington, 1978, pp. 713-718.

[30] J.N. Holmes, R.D. Wright, J.W. Yates and M.W. Judd, "Extension of the JSRU synthesis-by-rule system", Proc. 9 Int. Cong. Acousr, Madrid 1977.

[31] J.N. Holmes, "Synthesis of natural-sounding speech using a formant synthesizer", in: B. Lindblom and S. Ohman, eds., Frontiers of Speech Communication Research, Academic Press, London, 1979, pp. 275-285.


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